Reaching Home Plate

  1. 3  Strikes
  2. 4 Balls
  3. 1 Homerun
  4. Pitching
  5. Catching
  6. Hitting
  7. Gloves
  8. Bat
  9. Balls
  10. Dugout
  11. Bases Loaded
  12. Strike Out
  13. Knuckleball

Listing a few things to do with Baseball….of course thats not the only sport that will be featured on the show. Writing down some thoughts and putting it out there in cyberspace; trying to get a food theme. Of course during Football season the Tailgate theme always works, but is a tad overdone. Baseball can be cookout food – but done. Soccer is the Worlds Sport….

Gotta keep thinking….post if you have ideas…..anything is welcome!